single tear
like the rain that's falling,
drizzling on the window,
waiting in the air,
a single tear from above,
can cause ripples below.
A shake, Milk and ice cream.
Would you like to know what a five-dollar shake tastes like?
Be my guest. You can use my straw, I don't have kooties.
like the rain that's falling,
drizzling on the window,
waiting in the air,
a single tear from above,
can cause ripples below.
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
en una noche vasta y oscura,
la luna y una nube buscaban refugio,
y de todos los lugares en el universo,
se acurrucaron en la misma farolita,
arropados en su propio brillo,
ahora son dueños de su destino.
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
palabras que alimentan el ego,
una mirada que acaricia la sonrisa,
un beso que da alimento.
y es que me sorprendo,
todos los dias,
buscando alimento,
que me regalen un momento,
que siempre viene y se va.
busco alimento,
que me llene de sueños,
y me quite mis pesadillas,
busco alimento,
calma al tormento,
y lo gracioso,
siempre es el momento, (inesperado)
en que lo encuentro.
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
se-ven luces brillantes en tu mirada,
un reflejo se ilumina,
y en tan solo siete minutos,
un lazo se ata,
una fuerza nos atrae,
un nudo nos contiene,
un magnetismo nos gira,
y rotamos dia a dia,
en torno a nuestra propia orbita.
y si tu quieres,
me derrito en ti,
me uno a tu calor,
a ver si te enseño,
mis siete formas de pensar en ti.
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
i wake up to the sound of a man on my door,
his knuckles giving my door some love,
his voice roaring,
something about a dame,
so early.
the clock stares back at me,
it's late already,
i figure this better be good,
as i move down the steps,
im greeted by a known silouhette,
too good a sigh for so early in the morning,
i wait for the hit to come,
she bring donuts,
i wonder what her case is,
i do know sweets in the morning,
can only mean one thing...
a gig. a tough one at that.
said she needed to find a gift,
hapyness for a day,
as a present for someone,
what is this happyness she speaks of?
is it real?
and who where the one's hiding it?
as the day progresses,
i find some clues,
it all seems hazy,
but the dame is determined,
she knows hapyness is out there,
whatever it is,
and i wanted in.
as i rode around the hood,
looking for answers,
some thugs massaged my head,
with a thick bar of steel.
i woke up fuzzy,
the world seemed determined,
this "hapyness" was to be hidden,
but the dame was pushy,
and as the night fell,
we found "hapyness",
then, the night was over,
and before i knew it,
as i woke the next day,
hunted by the karma police,
i found out the lady's real motif,
she needed some muscle to pin this on,
some meatbag to take the heat,
for so much hapyness.
it was worth it.
(thanks for the great bday)
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
i pull the shades down.
i can still smell the street,
i always do,
they way it calls me,
they way trouble bounces on my window.
as the light crawls out,
the fan slows down,
it goes from cool to noisy,
i look down at my friend on the table,
i always liked bourbons,
they stay quiet while my head bangs,
as i pour my "friend" on a piece o' glass,
a drop of sweat starts running,
cursed fan,
i should get it fixed,
once i get my missing-secretary fixed.
i stare at the dame across my desk,
she seems to enjoy the dark,
her body hides in a silouhette made of heaven,
i've seen the type,
body shapes air like a tuba in a concert,
eyes sharper than a gun massaging your face.
she asks me questions,
she already knows the answers,
her eyes play catch with mine,
words are trivial at this stage,
nobody's listening,
i decide to sip my second,
(or was it my third?)
and she makes her wild proposition,
a icy delivery late at night,
im up for the gig,
im always up.
she leaves in a hurry,
leaves me hanging,
all dames do,
i slowly put my coat back on,
got to find a secretary,
but i'll face those demons 'morrow,
tonight, i got ice.
(related: noir)
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
(or mayonesse if you're pulp-fictian).
Sometimes i wonder,
complements... they're amazing,
they actually, you know... complement stuff.
i beleive simple ideas can change the world for better.
maybe, if we act less like the solution to other people's problems and more like the complement, we could focus more on our part of the deal, and not delude the efforts in feelings of 'grandeur'.
and it's a pretty good feeling to be the compliment to something. Then you achieve fries-n-ketchup-ness, a total state of bliss when fries and ketchup (that would be you) complement each other, and make a better taste out of the combination than one of you would be independetly.
it's like this post, if it helps you make your life just one once better, it will be, well, you know... complementing stuff. your stuff. what more could u ask from the ramblings about fries and ketchup from a guy that doesnt even like his fries with much ketchup, i do like compliments though.
feel free to send them my way ;)
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
te cambio tus maletas,
a cambio de un cachito de tierra,
tirale un beso a mi espejo,
que su refleccion te lo devolvera,
si me das un corazon oxidado,
te lo cuido del agua,
dame tu noche y tu angustia,
yo te doy mi pan y mi risa,
dame tu espada de guerra,
yo te doy mi escudo,
juntos le podemos a la indiferencia,
acaso no ves,
que puedo ser tu abrigo,
si te vienes conmigo.
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
y claro que palpita,
despues de todo,
es nuestra cajita,
y claro que te pica,
despues de todo,
es nuestra cosita.
y cuando las luces se apagan,
y el silencio entra a zapatazos,
entonces nos reunimos,
y entre mares salados compartimos,
los abrazos que el tiempo nos quita,
pero que siguen siendo nuestros,
y que cuando nos alcancemos,
al otro lado de la noche,
seguiremos compartiendo,
nuestro corazón que palpita,
al ritmo del mismo bals.
Posted by
Ruben Llibre
me sumerjo en tus pétalos de cristal,
y miro mis maletas,
en ella guardo tu prisa,
al lado de las medias de mi sonrisa.
cada ve que veo el fondo,
toco un poco el suelo,
en lo que espero que llegue el tren,
auriculares de sensación,
me quedo con lo poco que queda,
en esta estación.
miro mi reloj un segundo,
antes de recordar que no llevo,
que mas da, aun no son las nueve,
aun no llega abril,
aquí tengo en mi cajita,
un regalito que palpita,
la guardo bien cerquita,
al lado de la flor de mi pasión,
esperando que den las nueve,
que llegue el tren,
que llegue abril,
que se acabe tu prisa,
que se una a mi sonrisa,
que tengamos un dia,
inocente y perverso,
como un lunes sin clase.
Posted by
Ruben Llibre