Tuesday, February 28, 2006

ode to a vegetable (not really)

You've never seen me,
We've never talked,
We probably never will,
but still,
i like you dear.

You fixed my eyes.

Edit: i don't eat carrots. i though that was clear enough by the -not really- part of the title.In fact, i don't do vegetables. At all. Well, maybe some lettuce, on a burger... If i don't notice it.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I saw him pass...

He was wearing a grin,
pushing a small ball of yarn,
I don't think he'll return it...

I chased him up a hill,
I rolled behind him down a hill,
I swam after him, from continent to continent
I don't think I'll catch up with him...

I ran through grass,
I jumped over water,
I stepped through fire,
I don't think my feet will hold...

I can barely see him now,
all I see is his grin,
slowly dissapearing...

Friday, February 24, 2006


Ya no se llama igual,
Ya no tiene la misma cara,
Ya no hace las mismas muecas,
Ya no tiene las mismas frases.

Ya no tiene el mismo cuerpo,
Ya no le gustan los mismos chistes,
Ya no va a los mismo cines,
Ya no lee los mismo libros.

Parece que hubo un cambio.

Sigue siento la misma,
pero esta en otro sitio,
en otra persona.

y no dejo las instrucciones.

Woody Allen-esque

There is a Essential Inability of Everyone Else to Understand My Uniqueness.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Calm settles in,
numbers slow down,
the zeitgeist changes mood.

Head Count from last night: 20+.
Current moons wasted: at least 2.
Expected weather: Clear to partly cloudy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Recuerdo entrometido...

Perdido en la noche,
de un tiempo pasado,
toca la puerta,
un recuerdo entrometido,
que trae una sonrisa.

Le pregunte que queria,
y nada, me respondio.
Pero yo solo sonrei.

Le invite a entrar,
tomamos un cafe,
y hablamos de la vida.

Partio en la noche,
prometiendo volver,
a terminar su cafe.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Things tied to a rope

some things are tied to a rope.

If you're holding the other end of the rope,
would you please pull?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Emotional Landscapes...

Where the sunset fades, and the night shines away, hope begins.
Hang in there...
Hang, for hope.

(Image "Hang for Hope" by deviant Celsojunior)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The magic of memory.

"A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn't think he'd remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on. She was carrying a white parasol. I only saw her for one second. She didn't see me at all, but I'll bet a month hasn't gone by since, that I haven't thought of that girl."

*Source (Extra brownie points if you dont need the source to know it, let me know!).

how many moons...?

How many moons must we sacrifice?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Viaje por el espacio y el tiempo

Entrando en un bar desconocido,
inocente como solo se puede ser
(antes de entrar por primera vez a un bar),
sin saber que musica tendrian,
que bebidas servian.
La camarera se paseaba,
bailoteando, como si no fuera complice,
la bar-tender miraba el computador,
movia el mouse como sin querer hacerlo,
acariciando el winamp casi con desprecio,
cuando de repente, presiono el boton.

El aire se volvio denso...
las paredes cambiaban de color...
las ambientacion roja se transformo...
el clima se enfrio...

ya no era republica dominicana,
ya no era el 2006.
ya no era un bar rojo en una plaza superpoblada.

era mas joven, mas timido,
habia gente en la calle,
habia decenas de bares,
todos apretados en 4 cuadras,
abrazandose, compartiendo personas
(como si a todos, por un segundo, no nos importaria)
en las calles habia vendedores, historias,
risas, limones que causaban furor...
montaƱas que escalar, arboles que esquivar,
policias que perseguian el alcohol de las colinas,
chicos volando en otra dimension, rodando
por la colina como si no doliera.
habia cronos, habia famas, habia misterios
que se acoplaban a un joven,
lugares, sitios, personas, eventos, emociones,
magia que ahora solo existe en bares rojos,
en plazas superpobladas, en las que la bar-tender
acaricia musica como si no quisiera hacerlo.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Volver a la normalidad...

La tierra donde el blanco es el color del bien,
Santa usa ropa roja y brillante,
todas las cosas se pueden imaginar,
las palabras arropan toda descripcion,
los animales salvajes muerden,
las ardillas no hacen slapstick,
y todos luchamos con el tiempo.

Donde esta mi armario? (*)

Saturday, February 11, 2006



Running into the flowers...
watching the chemicals flow..

Dancing in the moonlight...

floating with the wind,
shaking up the earth,
sitting in the liquid,
provoking a national fire.

I wonder who's awake,
to come dance the night away.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Your Japanese Name Is...

Kiyoshi Daigo

In the morning of...

The Magicians.

I awake , and i couldn't remember
...why does it matter?